Small Skin tags or DPNs (Dermatosis Papulosis Nigra) as they are known in medical parlance, are small raised lesions seen predominantly on the face, neck, and the underarm region. They may have a genetic predisposition, and are more commonly noted in persons with a family history of diabetes and or/ insulin resistance. They can easily be removed using dermatosurgical techniques. Though the most common techniques use radio frequency energy and/ or electrocautery, simple superficial excision offers more elegant results without any scarring at all.
What is Skin tags?
Skin tags (acrochordons) are small, noncancerous growths that tend to be the same color as your skin. They often look like a cluster of skin tissue extending out from a tiny stem. They’re sometimes darker and may resemble a raised mole. Most skin tags are between 1-5 mm, but some can grow as large as a few centimeters.
Skin tag removal procedures can cause mild discomfort. You receive medication to help you stay as comfortable as possible.